Creative interpretation of the “Alpamysh” Epic in the Work of Mustafo Bafoev

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Венера Закирова

PhD in Arts, Associate Professor, Musicology and Composition Department

Institute of Fine Arts of the Academy of science of the Republic of Uzbekistan


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Arts & Humanities


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The centuries-old heritage of the Uzbek people is the most important foundation for the development of modern composer’s creativity. This is an inexhaustible source feeding the creative thought of the musical works creators. The heroic epic named “Alpamysh”, which absorbed the traditions of the Turkic peoples who in the Middle Ages inhabited a vast territory from Southern Kazakhstan to Altai, still attracts the attention of literary scholars and linguists, and representatives of creative profession like composers. This is confirmed by the unique work – "Five musical pictures" from the dastan "Alpamysh" by Uzbek composer Mustafo Bafoev, which presented in the form of a musical and literary composition of a concert type. For the first time, the most famous monument of literature "sounded" at the concert venue performed by an instrumental ensemble. Analysis of the compositional drama of Bafoev's work, the peculiarities of the implementation of the ideological concept and the figurative sphere of the original source, as well as the musical characteristics of the main characters of the dastan allow us to talk about the artistic significance of the work of the Uzbek author, about his innovative approach to the musical embodiment of the famous epic. For the first time, the audience was presented with this legendary story in the form of a fancy-dress musical performance, which, in turn, formed a tendency to hold concert programs in a new format, enriched with stage entertainment, bright theatricalization of the action.



composer creativity


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