R. Shumann’s Piano Cycle of 1830–1835 in the Context of the Formation of His Pianism

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Yerbol Kozhagul

2nd year Master Degree Student, Special Piano Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Variation cycles and miniature cycles Variations on the name “Abegg”, Papillons, Impromptus [on a Theme by Clara Wieck], Carnival and Études symphoniques by Robert Schumann are of interest from the viewpoint of the composer’s piano style evolution, the formation of new compositional principles of the romantic cycle suite type, as well as the principles of program music. The analysis reveals the historical context of the named works, their compositional and stylistic features, the innovation of R. Schumann’s creative method, as well as the interrelationships of early cyclic works with later piano music. The features of R. Schumann’s cyclical works include the development of virtuoso pianism, the convergence of the variational and cyclical forms (as well as the cyclic form and rondo), and non-plot programmatic imagery. The use of themes-anagrams and musical portraits (Florestan and Eusebius, “hidden” addressees, dedication) are becoming specific compositional techniques in line with the programmatic approach. These features determined not only the evolution of the composer’s piano style but also the overall development of musical Romanticism.



Schumann’s piano cycles
romantic pianism
suite-type cyclep


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