On the 150th Anniversary of the “L’arlésienne” by Georges Bizet

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Elvira Abdrakhmanova

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Master Degree Student, Wind and Percussion Instruments Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatoire


Tamara Dzhumalieva

Honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, Musicology and Composition Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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This article highlights an insufficiently researched but essential issue directly related to orchestration, particularly the saxophone in the second half of the nineteenth century by the outstanding French composer J. Bizet in the music to A. Daudet's drama "L'Arlésienne", written in 1872. In this innovative work, the composer boldly introduces the saxophone, invented by A. Sachs in 1841. His creative manner includes timbre experiments, an original combination of instruments, and the use of pure timbres. In orchestration, G. Bizet follows J. Kastern ("The Last King of Judea"), G. Berlioz ("The Capture of Troy"), J. Halevi ("The Eternal Jew"), J. Meyerbeer ("The African Woman"), and K. Saint-Saens (the cantata "Prometheus's Wedding"). The primary attention in the article is focused on the concept of the work, dramaturgically important musical fragments and leitmotifs of the main characters, in which the timbre richness, a wide range of this instrument are skillfully used, containing huge expressive possibilities. At the same time, a different interpretation of the musical content of "Intermezzo" is proposed, and the role of this work in the work of Zh. Bizet prepared the appearance of an opera masterpiece, which is "Carmen", and at the same time, represents a new stage in the development of the European theatrical genre.



Georges Bizet


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