The Violin in the Cultural and Historical context of Stringed Instruments of the Peoples of Eurasia

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Ekaterina Miskiv

1st year Master Degree Student, String Instruments Department


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The culture of stringed instruments and the violin, in particular, among various peoples has never been considered in the context of a holistic and multifaceted system united by common factors, such as: psychological, aesthetic, musical-artistic, spiritual, folklore, symbolic, ethnic, etc. There are no works that comprehensively and fully studied stringed instruments and the violin as components not only of the creative process among various segments of the population, but also a historical driving link, as well as the violin as an element of material and spiritual culture, as an instrument uniting many peoples. We will talk about the violin as a means of embodying musical ideas of the peoples of Eurasia, being an intermediary in ritual actions in the context of a constantly transforming socio-cultural status at different stages of the cultural and historical process. In this article, stringed instruments, in particular the violin, are presented as an element of material and spiritual culture that has absorbed the ethnic characteristics of the peoples of Eurasia and a unifying link in the constantly transforming socio-cultural status at different stages of the cultural and historical process. The diversity and difference of stringed instruments in the life of Slavic and Asian countries, their unique symbiosis with European instruments in the process of creating a violin, direct participation in religious, spiritual and secular cultural spaces, as well as demand at various socio-structural levels - all these are important aspects for determining the cultural significance of the violin as an instrument uniting many peoples.



string-bowed instruments
ethno-folklore affiliation
string instruments in a historical context


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