Articles Formatting Requirements

         Paper size A4
         Font – Times New Roman 14 pt
         Interlie spacing – 1.0 (without an interval between paragraphs of the same style).
         Margins: 2 cm (on all sides)
         Without page numbering

         IMPORTANT! Initials in the text are typed through an FIXED SPACE with
 the surname (simultaneous pressing the keys of "Ctrl"+ "Shift"+ "space" in the Word for
Windows; "Shift"+ "Option" + "space" in Word for Mac OS). In the main text,
 initials are indicated before the surname.
         Quotation marks "Title or Quote" are used in the text. Use single quotation marks inside double quotation marks when you have a quotation within a quotation – “Quote ‘quote in quote.’”

         IMPORTANT! The text uses the middle dash (–), by simultaneously pressing the keys "Ctr"+ "-" on the numeric keypad in Word for Windows; "Option" + "-" in Word for Mac, as well as the hyphen "-".

         Automatic numbering of the text editor is not used in lists.
         References to sources in the main text are given in parentheses (Last name of the source author Page). Example: (Abylkhozhin 54). More information about formatting of links can be found in The Formatting Rules for the List of Sources and References.
         Necessary footnotes and clarifications are indicated by superlinear digits 1 in the main
text and are formatted as Notes at the end of an article before List of sources.
         If it is necessary to re-quote a source, the reference is given again.
Headings (and journal titles) in the second and subsequent links cannot be replaced with their verbal equivalents "His", "He", "There", etc.
When making a list of sources, alphabetical order is used.
         Any mention in an article text of names of scientists and researchers should be
accompanied by references to their works.

         Infographics, including tables, diagrams, figures and formulas in the text should be numbered; diagrams and tables should have headings placed above the diagram or the table field, and each figure should have the caption in three languages (Kazakh, English, Russian).
         They are provided in electronic form as separate files through the website system as additional materials in TIFF/JPG formats simultaneously with the author's original article. Drawings or photographic materials must be of high quality with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. It is not allowed to provide illustrations imported into Microsoft Word, as well as their photocopies.
         Tables, diagrams, diagrams and graphs are provided in a file in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel format, including the source data, in which it is possible to edit the graphic materials.
         Musical note examples, diagrams, etc. are created in specialized computer programs. They must be sent separately in the form of format files .jpeg, .bmp, .gif (duplicating in formats .doc, .docx, .pdf, .eps – if additional marks are applied to the image).

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