Choral Poem “Zhaylauda” by Mynzhassar Mangitayev

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Akim Muratuly

2nd year Master Degree Student, Conducting Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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The article deals with the choral poem «Zhaylauda», published in 1968 by Mynzhasar Mangitayev, People's Artist of Kazakhstan in the second half of the 20th century, professor, a famous composer who

played an important role in the development of the artistic trends of the national composition school. Brief information about the life and work of M.Mangitaev and Sh.Mukhamejanov, the author of the words of the poem, is given.

A small analysis of the text of the choral poem «Zhaylauda» was carried out. Analyzing each part of the work in detail, special attention is paid to certain time intervals, individual choral parts, dynamics and means of musical expression, which emphasize national identity and convey the main idea of the composer. The composer managed to perfectly convey in his music the picture of his native land and the nature of Zhailau. As a result of the study, the necessary requirements for the work of a conductor with a choir when learning this work were identified. Also, it became obvious that the choral poem "Jailaud" organically combines music and word, and the musical and artistic image is presented in various ways. The choir in the hands of the composer, in turn, is a skilled performer, conveying the nature of Zhailau, personifying the beauty of his native land. The article is of practical value when studying this work.



M. Mangitayev


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