Musical and stylistic features of the pieces for french horn and piano by A. Abdinurov

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Alisher Sleymankul

2nd year Master Degree Student, Wind and Percussion Instruments Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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The stylistic features of the creativity of the composers of Kazakhstan are one of the foundations that determine the aesthetic trends, artistic orientation, cultural values of the generation. In this regard, for many musicologists, the study of the creative appearance of composers is one of the most important tasks aimed at preserving and developing the national musical culture. The creativity of the composers of Kazakhstan is replete with numerous works written for brass wind instruments, which should be studied in order to accurately convey and understand the artistic thought, stylistic, formative, performing features of the work. In this regard, this article for the first time discusses the stylistic and performance features of the piece for French horn and piano Alibi Abdinurov. As a result of the research, it was revealed that one of the most important factors that make up the creative image of the composer is his musical language, consisting of a synthesis of traditions: the national musical language and European compositional writing, with which he tries to convey the artistic thinking of the people. The materials of the article can be useful in performing and pedagogical practice.



A. Abdinurov
French horn
musical style
synthesis of traditions
performance features


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