On parallels of organization of musical-spatial structures in the works of Bela Bartok and the kazakh tradition

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Aidana Bestembekova

Master of Arts, Teacher, Music Theory Department

P. Tchaikovsky Almaty Musical College


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Arts & Humanities


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This article describes some of the noteworthy parallels between the pieces of music of Bella Bartók, the Hungarian composer of the twentieth century, composed based on his folklore and ethnographic research, and performed in collaboration with Zoltan Kodai; in areas populated by the descendants of former nomads from steppes and, on the other hand, Kazakh music in general. This consideration's main method becomes a "sacred-spatial method" of analysis, which was formulated in the works of B. Amanzhol, the Kazakh composer and musicologist. There is also the method of comparing some works from the early period of B.Bartok's creation that is used for fundamental features related to Kazakh tradition; here is a discovered double imaginative plan, which defines this given concept. In connection with this formulation’s basis, there are examples taken from the Kazakh tradition: the dombra music, the Kazakh ornament, the Tengri calendar, the rock art and the steppe landscape.
Keywords: sacred-spatial analysis, double imaginative plan, double-layer,



sacred-spatial analysis
double imaginative plan
thick and bodiless
Kazakh tradition
World View


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