Musical instruments of the XVII-XVIII centuries within the framework of studying music clavir Bach

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Gulnara Nurlanova

Professor of the piano department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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The article deals with certain aspects of the professional education of pianists in musical educational institutions related to the study of J.S.Bach clavier compositions. It is also proposed to consider the possibility of solving the problems of stylistically adjusted interpretation of the composer’s works and overcoming the established romantic traditions of their interpretation.
The above descriptions of the design features and nature of the sound of ancient keyboard musical instruments – clavichord, harpsichord and early samples of hammer claviers, as well as historical and biographical information about Bach’s life and work, serve as a starting point for reasoning and recommendations concerning the work on his clavier compositions.As a priority, the issues of revealing the architects of the studied works and building of their dynamic plan taking into account the arrangement of ancient instruments, their technical and sound capabilities are considered.
Along with this, the article gives brief characteristics of the organ and the basic principles of its sound production, on the basis of which both differences and general signs of keyboard instruments of the Baroque era are indicated.A method of finding articulation solutions in a polyphonic clavier texture is also proposed by analogy with movements and bow changes of stringed instruments. At the same time, differences in their structure compared to modern instruments are also considered.



hammer clavier
organ (pipe organ)
viola da gamba


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