The importance of written forms of works in the course of etnosolfeggio for the preservation and development of traditional song art

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Aigul Baibek

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Associate Professor, Candidate of Art History

Kazakh National University of Arts


Samal Baikhanova


Kazakh National University of Arts


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Arts & Humanities


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The University course of Ethnosolfeggio on the material of both traditional song and instrumental culture as a system of teaching folk musicians, integrating the traditions of oral and written music cultures, through the use of various both oral and written forms of work contributes not only to the assimilation of the Kazakh traditional musical language, but also, above all, forms the basis for understanding the historical development of traditional Kazakh music, its role in modern cultural contexts and the necessity to preserve it and develop further. The article is devoted to the coverage of written forms of work related directly to the academic (European) Solfeggio, which occupy a significant place in the course on Ethnosolfeggio. They are designed to form the practical skills necessary for a contemporary musician, such as music recording of songs and kyuys; free reading from a sheet of notated works, their transposing; analysis and reconstruction of old records.



traditional song
authentic performance
the written form of the work


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