Genesis and trends in the development of vocal art in Kazakhstan

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Moldir Bakytzhanova

Master degree student, Special Vocal Art Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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In the article author discusses the Genesis and development of vocal art in Kazakhstan. In the study of this topic, General information about the formation and further development of the presented direction in Russian culture is drawn. The author highlights the main periods with their characteristics, and notes the evolution of academic vocal performance. The author of the article cites the value orientations of Kazakh songs, which focus on the folk wisdom of the Kazakh people with high educational opportunities, civility of civil ideas, impressive reflection of genuine being, artistic difference. It also examines the nature of vocal performance, and explains that the General theory of sound provides for the field of physical acoustics. From an acoustic point of view, sound appears as a result of the equilibrium movement of a body in a certain environment and sounds by ear. Acoustics distinguishes the following features in sounds: sound rhythm, sound strength, sound music, sound extensibility. In all musical sounds, there are three well-known names behind the timbre: voice level, voice strength, and duration. In





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