Some questions of performance in the kazakh stage

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Dariga Salykova

Teacher of the Department of Pop Orchestra Instruments

T. Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts, teacher


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Arts & Humanities


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In the article by D.O. Salykova. some issues of pop music performance are considered, in particular, the main achievements of the specialty pop vocal and instruments of a pop orchestra. In the process of studying this direction, important components of the presented specialties were identified in the context of the performing format. The author of the scientific article provides information about the participation of students and undergraduates of the Department of "Pop vocal" And "instruments of pop orchestra" at the prestigious International and National competitions of vocalists and instrumentalists of the faculty of "Musical art" Of the Kazakh National Academy of arts named after T. Zhurgenov. Among them are "Slavyansky Bazar", "Zhas Kanat", "Shabyt" and many others that promote performers of the presented specialty. The initiative of the students themselves is brought to the fore with the active support of the Academy administration and the sponsorship of patrons, which together leads to fruitful results. However, here author summarizes information about the process of teaching students and researchers who acquire general and specialized competencies, including: studying the situation and processes in the field of contemporary art; analysis of phenomena and processes, assessment of works of musical art, study of historical patterns and the development of artistic traditions of cultural heritage.



variety instruments
vocal performance


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