Creative image of Tigran Amasyana

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Dinara Isakova

2nd year master student, Musicology and Composition Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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This article discusses the work of one of the most prominent representatives of modern jazz pianism – Tigran Amasyan. Like many modern jazz pianists, Amasyan is not only a talented performer, but also a composer. Performing his own compositions and arrangements, he relies on a large number of styles, including jazz, academic and ethnic music. In the study, distinctive performance features were identified: metro rhythmic organization, the addition of compositions with vocals and the most common playing techniques. The identification of the main features of creativity was carried out on the analysis of his compositions and recordings of live performances. At the moment, Tigran Amasyan is one of the most sought-after jazz pianists. His individual style of creativity is of great interest for research.



Tigran Hamasyan
jazz pianism
ethnic music of Armenia
metro rhythm
scat improvisation
variable sizes


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