Tuvan Composer Ayana Oyun (Creative Portrait)

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Yekaterina Karelina

Doctor of Sciences in Study of Art, Associate Professor, Non-Staff Contractual Consulting Professor, Member of the Union of Composers of Russia

Aldan-Maadyr Tyva National Museum

Russian Federation


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Among the modern composers of Tuva, the personality and work of Ayana Oyun are covered little of musicology. The main stages of the composer’s creative biography are noted related to studying at Republican School of Arts and Kyzyl College of Arts, receiving a specialized education at Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Music and Theater, Mikhail Glinka Novosibirsk State Conservatory, as well as additional education at St. Petersburg Theatre Arts Academy. The composer’s creative portfolio is surveyed, providing an analysis of one of the illustrative works — the Piano Quintet. The periodization of creativity works correlates with her education in different universities in Russia and with a change in genre preferences. Thus, during the years of study at Krasnoyarsk Academy of Music and Theater (2001–2007), works of chamber genres were predominated, including the being analyzed Piano Quintet. The return to her native Tyva is marked by the formation of an original author’s style. During these years, interest in theatrical music was shown, and a number of performances with music by Ayana Oyun were staged. During the years of study in St. Petersburg (2013–2018), several musical fairy tales were created and staged: Don’t Fly Away!, Mary Poppins and Her Friends, Khorloo (Wheel). Music appeared for a number of performances at the National Theatre as well. The composer’s contribution to the development of musical theater in Tuva and the revival of the first national opera, Chechen and Belekmaa, by Rostislav Kendenbil are noted. Ayana Oyun is a rare case of a successful combination of a composer and a theater director in one person; her personality is distinguished by deep reverence and adherence to the traditions and practices of Buddhist teaching, striving for constant self-improvement, expansion of professional and spiritual horizons.



theater stage director
Ayana Oyun


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