Vladimir Emmanuilovich Shiller: Stages of the Creative Way

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Kira Garkusha

PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Social Work and Social Pedagogy Department

Karaganda E.A. Buketov University


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Arts & Humanities


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The article is written in a biographical style. It examines the stages of the creative path of the choral conductor, teacher, head of choral groups, Honorary Professor of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy Vladimir Emmanuilovich Shiller. The purpose of the article is to acquaint readers with the main facts of the creative biography of V. E. Shiller, to form an idea of the scale of his personality and the stages of professional activity. The article presents the facts of V. E. Shiller's personal biography – the date and place of birth, brief information about the family and family upbringing, character traits, life history, as well as professional biography and the stages of its formation – the years of study at the conservatory, obtaining professional conducting education, the stages of professional activity, professional achievements. The stages of the creative path of the hero of the article – V. E. Shiller are considered in the context of social biography in interaction with the socio-economic, historical and cultural processes of society that influenced the professional development of a musician and a person. The biographical information presented in the article is of scientific interest, can be useful to musicians, biographers, students studying the history of choral art of Kazakhstan in its events, facts, personalities.



Владимир Эммануилович Шиллер
хоровой дирижёр
хоровое искусство
дирижёрское искусство
хоровой репертуар


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Schlussszene des Festivals der deutschen Kultur in Almaty, Kasachstan Oktober 1990. – URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5o4G7riaf8

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Schlussszene des Festivals der deutschen Kultur in Almaty, Kasachstan Oktober 1990. – URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5o4G7riaf8

Der «Kammerchor Waldemar Schiller». – URL: https://wwwold.eglofs.de/musikmus/Musik/Lied%20Chor/Kammerchor1.htm. (data obraŝeniâ: 02.09.2021).

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