Geocultural Image of Kazakhstan in the International Musical Space

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Zakiya Sapenova

Senior Lecturer, Traditional Musical Art Department

Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts


Elmira Sultangalieva

PhD in Philosophy, Professor, Musical Theater Department

Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts


Lazzat Zhaumbaeva


The Republican Estrada-Circus College named after Zh. Elebekov


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Arts & Humanities


Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International


The article examines the geocultural image of Kazakhstan in the aspect of its perception in the musical communication of the intercultural space. In this work, methods of analysis and assessment of the level of perception of international listeners of some works are applied using Kazakh musical citation. The authors presented a qualitative case study of Kazakh musical works by foreign composers, which contribute to the expansion of both national and international audiences. Derived from analysis and evaluation, the preliminary results showed the perceived difference in perception. It was found that there are significant deviations between the perception of local and foreign audiences. These differences were revealed when recognizing Kazakh traditions used by foreign composers. The research findings will help create a better understanding of how an identical image of Kazakhstan and Central Asia can be promoted. In addition, the conclusions of the work will help to strengthen "international understanding", as well as create a bridge between cultures, while not losing the unique aspects of Kazakh musical and cultural identity. The article is intended both for specialists in the field of musical art and pedagogy, and for a wide range of amateurs as well.



Kazakh music
contemporary foreign composers


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