The Role of the Arrangement and Acquittance with the Score in the Preparation of the Head of the Kazakh Folk Instrumental Orchestra

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Zhambyl Meirbekov

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Master of Arts, Chief Conductor

House of Culture "Turkestan Sarayy"


Laura Zhumabekova

Teacher, Pop Vocal Department

Temirbek Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy of Arts


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Arts & Humanities


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The article examines the competence and professional characteristics of orchestra conductors, their place and role in the orchestra, a high level of theoretical and practical knowledge, and a sense of melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, and fret principles. We also consider the qualities associated with the ability to organize a team, i.e. to be able to correctly fulfill their requirements in the process of work, to have good relations with the people of the orchestra, as well as to impress the audience and increase their interest.

  1. The importance of the conductor's prior familiarization and analysis of the score of the performed work.
  2. Basic techniques for studying and studying the score.
  3. The importance for the conductor of studying the score by voice.



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