Perspectives of Ballet Management in Modern Kazakhstan

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Zubaira Ysmail

2nd year Master Degree Student, Social and Humanitarian Sciences and Art Management Department

Kazakh National University of Arts


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Arts & Humanities


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The article is devoted to the management of the ballet art of modern Kazakhstan. The author, based on an interview with Sadykova Anvara Aripovna, Candidate of Art Criticism, senior teacher of the Kazakh National Academy of Choreography, provides examples of prominent personalities in the history of ballet art management in Kazakhstan, as well as current trends in ballet management in modern Kazakhstan. The examples of combination of creative activity with managerial one are considered on the basis of the activities of A. V. Seleznyov, B.Gayukhanov, and B. Ya. Eifman. The article notes examples of the experience of promoting the ballet art of Kazakhstan in foreign countries on the example of the creativity and achievements of Adamzhan Baktiyar Bahytzhanuly and the requirements that a ballet dancer must meet in order to be able to represent himself and the art of Kazakhstan on the world stage. In particular, the conditions for educating a new generation of outstanding ballet dancers are indicated: what educational institutions for teaching choreographic art exist today, as well as the historical prerequisites for the creation of these schools and universities. There considered the probability and chances of the Kazakh ballet to declare itself in the international arena and have the status of one of the favorites of a wide audience.

In the article there are also used materials from other articles of the author and her personal archive, which consists of interviews and conversations with the following individuals: Adamzhan Baktiyar Bahytzhanuly – Etoile of the theatre “Astana Opera”, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan and multiple winner of the Grand Prix at international competitions of professional ballet dancers (USA, South Korea, Russia, Turkey, etc.); Akhmedgali Burkitbayev – Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a teacher of B. Adamzhan, a teacher of the Almaty Choreographic School named after A.V. Seleznev; Mussabekov Dyusembai Nurkenovich – Deputy Director of the Astana Ballet Theatre, Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Cavalier of the Order "Kurmet", holder of an honorary diploma of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Joel Burke – the Director of the international festival "Ballet International Gala".



ballet dancer
world stage


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