Formation of Innovative Musical Means in the Film Media Text System

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Nikita Yakovlev

2nd year master student, Musicology and Composition Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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The article considers the formation of innovative musical means in the system of the media text of the film. The research is based on theoretical works on film music by Soviet, post-Soviet and foreign authors. The research methodology includes theoretical, musicological, analytical and compositional methods.

Cinema has many means of expression. One of them is music. Like nothing else, it can emphasize the film's concept, dynamics and movement to shade its plot's features. Even in the first stages of the formation of cinematography, the demonstration of the film could not do without sound accompaniment. Therefore, it is natural that musical and expressive means develop and transform over time.

As a result of the research, it is proved that the means of expressiveness of cinema are evolving: new techniques and techniques of shooting and editing appear, also in the field of camerawork and special effects. Being one of the means of expression of movie music is also changing. To date, there are a significant number of different genres of cinema – from historical and documentary films to films on modern topics, where not only the content but also the current trends of musical composition influence the musical accompaniment. Therefore, the question of their scientifically-based consideration, possible typologization and further research is always relevant.



film music
means of musical expression


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