Musical orientalism in the context of vocal interpretation

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Anel Aitzhanova

2nd year master student, Traditional Musical Art Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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The article deals with the problem of interpreting vocal works of orientalist themes in the context of a general methodology. The process of interpretation is analyzed, which includes the analysis of a poetic text; the study of the historical and cultural context of the work (the creative biography of the composer, the history of the creation of the work); analysis of the musical text and its compositional features, including form, means of artistic expression; construction of an interpretation plan taking into account interpretation tools (intonation, articulation, metrorhythm, agogy), preparation of an interpretation plan with an analysis of existing audio recordings of interpretations by other performers. This article focuses on the fact that in preparing the interpretation of vocal works on Japanese themes, it is important to establish a connection with the Japanese tradition proper, which can manifest itself only on the figurative plane, but can also include compositional interaction (the use of typical modes, rhythms, quotations). This work may be useful for performers of vocal works of orientalist themes.



interpretation of vocal works
vocal cycles on a Japanese theme
musical orientalism


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