The image of Mary Stuart in vocal music: a history of the issue

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Alila Tilegen

2nd year master student, Traditional Musical Art Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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The article is devoted to studying the composers ' appeals to the image of Mary Stuart. The study shows the origins of the widespread interest of composers in the image of the queen. Based on the studies on the history of France and Scotland and individual articles devoted to composers’ works, a historical panorama of this interest is compiled. The claim can be traced to such composers as R. Schumann, G. Donizetti, L. Dallapiccola, T. Musgrave, S. Slonimsky, I. Raff and others.

Special attention is paid to the works of the Romantic era: the opera of G. Donizetti and the vocal cycles of I. Raff and R. Schumann. The image of Mary Stuart and the story of her life was in tune with the aesthetic attitudes of the era and aroused the interest of bright romantic composers. The author traces the history of the creation of these works and their main features. The study of the question allowed us to understand the plac better.



Mary Stuart in music
romantic opera
vocal cycle


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