Performing Interpretations “Symphonic Etudes” op. 13 R. Schumann: Comparative Aspect

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Damilya Dzhaksylykova

2nd year Master Degree Student, Piano Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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The article is devoted to studying the peculiarities of performing interpretations of "Symphonic Etudes" by R. Schumann (op. 13). The purpose is to reveal the individual author's readings of one of the significant piano music works. A comparative analysis of performing interpretations in the interpretations of two outstanding musicians-pianists - Vladimir Vladimirovich Sofronitsky and Emil Grigorievich Gilels was undertaken. The material for the comparative analysis was sound recordings, various editions of sheet music, and studies in the performing aspect of the interpretations of pianists representing different performing schools. Comparative analysis of performing interpretations, including piano texture, is the most crucial stage in comprehending and deeper studying the characteristic features of the individual style of each performer, a unique message to the listener of the composer's ideas and intentions. Therefore, this article can serve educational purposes in studying R. Schumann’s piano work and an in-depth and meaningful understanding of the composer's message when performing this work.



Robert Schumann
piano texture
comparative analysis


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