Modern Chinese Opera: Development Trends

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Din Zhun

Graduate student

Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory

Russian Federation

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Arts & Humanities


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The article deals with the evolution and development of modern opera in China since the 1980s. After the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), the changed political situation conditions were created to apply modern compositional techniques. At that time, avant-garde tendencies ("New Wave") appear in Chinese art. Nevertheless, Chinese opera remains faithful to its national tradition and synthesizes the features of Western opera and traditional Chinese musical theatre. Of its varieties, the ancient kunqiu drama and the

Peking opera (Jingju) of later origin are significant. The article analyzes the operas of Shi Guangnan (施光

南), Tan Dun (谭盾), and Guo Wenjing (郭文景). Both the combination of vocal techniques of Western opera and national theatre and the expansion of the symphonic orchestra with organic instruments and everyday objects are noted. The analysis of existing classifications of the types of contemporary Chinese opera takes into account the degree of their proximity to the traditional theatre or European opera. The desire to enter the world's cultural space is associated with the use of not only Chinese but also English.

Therefore, Chinese opera continues to search for ways to synthesize national and Western musical theatre.



Chinese Opera
Shi Guangnan
Tan Dun
Guo Wenjing


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