Shamhon Kazhgaliyev’s Transcription for the Kurmangazy Kazakh Folk Instruments Orchestra

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Naryn Kazhgali

Master student, Conducting Department

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory


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Arts & Humanities


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This article considers the issues of transcriptions and arrangements as the primary form of musical pieces in the work of composers and performers of Kazakhstan. The main types and varieties of transcriptions and arrangements are studied on the example of the work of the first professional Kazakh conductor, dombra player, People’s Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the State Prize, holder of the Parasat and Otan orders - Shamgon Sagaddinovich Kazhgaliyev. The author distinguishes three main types of transcriptions: orchestrations of works by Kazakh composers, transcriptions and arrangements of Russian and Soviet composers, and transcriptions of Western European composers. The crucial role of transcriptions in the orchestra’s repertoire formation and development and the expansion of its technical capabilities through the modernization and introduction of new instruments into the orchestra and experiments with their seating is substantiated. Through the historical method, various archival documents are studied, the original seating arrangement in the first decades of the Kazakh folk instruments orchestra is restored, and the importance of subsequent changes in the seating arrangement, which entailed new technical possibilities and solutions, is emphasized.



Kurmangazy Kazakh folk instruments orchestra
Shamgon Sagaddinovich Kazhgaliyev


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