Kazakh Kobyz Performance: Issues of Terminology and Fingering Positions

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Almat Sayzhan

Teacher of the Kobyz and RNI Department

Kazakh National University of Arts


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Arts & Humanities


Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International


Kobyz is one of the oldest Kazakh instruments and is one of the first bowed chordophones in the world. The uniqueness of the traditional kobyz is that, unlike other Kazakh (wider Turkic) instruments, it has not undergone evolution to the present day. To this day, it has not lost its relevance in all spheres of Kazakh music. Moreover, this instrument is widely used both in solo and ensemble practice. The paper’s purpose is a comprehensive study of the teaching methods of the Kazakh Kobyz school and performing techniques of playing traditional and modern works.

The article deals with topical issues of Kobyz performing art and suggests ways to solve them. The author offers a new approach to the teaching methodology and the development of performing techniques in general. Consideration of this technique will significantly facilitate mastering both the instrument itself and the performance of modern works, large forms, and parts in orchestras and ensembles. This paper considers the names of the traditional kobyz and their current state. The author also reveals issues concerning kobyz positions and fingering principles from a new perspective. Finally, a comparative analysis of the teaching aids of string-bowed instruments was carried out; the analysis results were adapted and introduced into kobyz performing practice.



kobyz school
kui, kobyz performing skills
kobyz positions
rinciples of kobyz training


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