Born to Victory (Gaziza Zhubanova)

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Bakir Bayakhunov

Composer, professor, People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR.


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Arts & Humanities


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The article outlines the image of the famous Kazakhstani composer Gaziza Zhubanova, gives memories of creative contact with her and her music, and characterizes her organizational, managerial and pedagogical work. The priority of the composer’s creative activity over other areas of her work is emphasized. Her name is associated with the influence of the Moscow school of composition on the academic music of Kazakhstan, expressed in reliance on the traditions of S. Prokofiev’s symphony and orchestration. Of great importance were her experiments in mastering specific techniques of avant-garde technique, especially orchestral brilliance, close to sonoristic experiments. A vital role in the development of the national style was played by a unique vision of the symphonic embodiment of dombra music, which differs from the method of symphonization of kyui developed by E. Brusilovsky and E. Rakhmadiev. In The Legend of the White Bird, Hiroshima ballets, especially in the Enlik-Kebek opera, the composer’s bright individuality, mastery of form and symphony are manifested. In symphonies, quartets and chamber compositions, he is attracted by the colourfulness and relief of musical images. In the author’s memoirs, G. Zhubanova is shown as a strong-willed person with a philosophical outlook on life and a breadth of interests.



Gaziza Zhubanova
Bakir Bayakhunov
memories about Gaziza Zhubanova
style of Gaziza Zhubanova


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